
How to Plan and Promote Your Content

Content Template

When I ask about the biggest content marketing challenge, repurposing and promoting content always comes to the top of everyone’s list.

However, most content creators fail to get the most value out their content. Planning your content goes beyond an outline of topics. It also includes thoughtful repurposing of your content and strategic content promotion plan.

If each piece of your content is connected, you will get maximum results. Each of your tweet will be related to a blog; each blog to a book, etc.

Your social media strategy will be in support of your original content.

Your blogs should be organized in a way that will allow you to produce a book in the end.

If you are still debating the value of being a published author, read my blog on 6 reasons to write a book

Blogging, in general, has a tremendous impact on generating leads and traffic to your website.

[bctt tweet=”Website with content strategy convert 6x more leads than those without constant blog  “]

In some of the experiments that we ran, we consistently saw that blogging 2x week for at least one month quadrupled our web traffic.Once we stopped blogging, the traffic gradually decreased.

[bctt tweet=”If you blog 2x a week, you can quadruple your traffic in just 1 month”]

Maximize your content: from single tweet to a published book

Spending some time up front to plan your strategy sets the foundation for your long-term success. If you approach planning in a systematic way, in just a few hours of work you will have a map of your content that will last you for 4-6 months.

Your finished content strategy will look like this.


I have created a short video that walks you through steps to plan and repurpose your content.

You will have a Central idea for your overall content direction. This idea must be in tight alignment with the top problems facing your customer. You will further break it down into main topics that can be further divided into subtopics,  key ideas, and quotes (or quotable tweets). 

(1 Central ideas = 5 main topics = 25 subtopics).

If you go through the entire exercise, you can have as many as 25 blog posts (i.e.  subtopics) for each of the Central ideas.

Each of your blog topics will have 5 key ideas with 5 quotes each. If you use each of the quotes in your social media posts, you can have up to 25 tweets for each of your blogs.

(1 blog = 5 key ideas = 25 quotes/tweets)

You should not schedule all of the 25 tweets for the same day or week.

I recommend stretching  your content over the course of several weeks and mixing it with the content you curate (i.e. sharing valuable content written by others). But you will still end up with several months worth of tweets/posts from just a few blogs that you write.

Once you have enough of your blogs written, you can start creating different types of content by utilizing what you have already created.

For example, the collection of blogs centered around one of the main topics can be turned into an email mini-course.

What you will need to do is to ensure that there is a logical and sequential connection between 5 of your blogs. Assemble them into a mini-collection, create a single title and the graphic articulating the top benefits. And you got yourself an email mini-course.

Email mini-course is a fantastic lead magnet that you can use to attract your audience.

Once you have written majority of the blogs around your central idea, you can turn them into a book.





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