Conferences, Expos, Tradeshows, & Seminars can all be great venues to post or tweet from. These events provide not only a wealth of fresh material for your existing audience but additionally (and perhaps more importantly) a built-in mechanism to attract others to your feed (and therefore potentially your site).
Here are some suggestions to help you tweet like a Pro at your next event.
Prior to the event:
1. Research #Hashtags – Check with the event organizers if they have designated a specific #hashtag. If they do not have one, recommend one and ask if they need help with spreading the word about the conference.
2. Tweet ahead of time – Send one or more tweets noting the upcoming event & using the designated #hashtag (e.g. Can’t wait for the #Conf2015. Amazing info on #growth and #CRO)
3. Connect with others – Research other participants and speakers. Follow them on Twitter and send them a quick Tweet (e.g. @TreDigital – huge fan! look forward to meeting you at the #conf2015).
3. Schedule ahead of time – Schedule a number of event-related but NOT event specific tweets to post throughout the event. Bonus tip: plan your own blogs on the topic of the conference and tweet them out using the event hashtag.
At the event:
1. Share nuggets of knowledge – Most conferences are becoming Twitter savvy. This means the speakers will integrate “Tweetable” quotes throughout their presentation. Listen to the presenters main points, share their advice and tips via tweets. Include images of the slides and other relevant info. Do not forget the hashtags.
2. Do not be afraid to over-tweet – Typically, we advocate for 3-5 tweets/day maximum. However, the game changes when you are at an event. If you find yourself with a plethora of quotes, stats, or stories from the conference, feel free to share them. You can use Twitter as a note-taking mechanism to capture the most important points – all of these will be useful when you sit down to write your next blog.
3. Pay attention to other tweeters using the same #hashtag – Depending on your level of participation in the event, it may be difficult to respond to other tweeters on the spot, but at the very least take some time at the end of the day to review what has been tweeted. Even if you were not directly engaged by those tweeting, responding or adding to the conversation can expose you to a whole new audience… which in turn could lead to additional sales for you.
4. “Just the txt ma’am, just the txt” – Ok, perhaps you are too young to know the show (or later the movie) ‘Dragnet’ but make sure you DO NOT do as the nice officer told you to. Instead, send tweets that include multimedia – photos, videos, links to whitepapers, and other materials referred to by the speakers. Just as your normal tweets do better when something is attached, so will your event tweets.
5. Give credit where credit is due – Whenever possible, if you use a quote, stat or any other material provided by others, make sure you use the presenter’s twitter handled. Your audience & source will appreciate (plus it will expand your exposure to your presenter’s followers).
6. Do not hesitate to link back to previous tweets – If you shared something yesterday that is just as important today, consider linking to it. How?
- Visit your twitter profile
- Find the tweet you wish to repeat
- Click on its timestamp and copy the URL of that tweet
- Use that URL as needed
7. Retweet (RT), favorite & reply to other tweeters at the event – Remember the name of the game is exposure, just as Retweeting (RT) and engaging others can expand your audience outside the event, it can do the same during the event.
8. Follow your new followers – As the event continues you may see a number of new followers following you. Take the opportunity to follow them back. If they are following your event related tweets, it is highly likely they will be interested in your future tweets. Take an opportunity to send them a quick welcome Tweet (e.g. Hi @ChatwMatt – great to meet you at the #Conf2015 event).
9. Do not drink and tweet. No matter how tempting it maybe, if there are alcoholic beverages being served… leave your tweeting for another time – It should be obvious, but there are countless examples to show that drinking and tweeting do not professionally mix well.
10. Be sure to thank your followers at the end of the event – It’s not only polite, but it can help you remind your new followers that you are worth continuing to follow.
After the event:
1. Don’t let the end of the event stop you from tweeting – Remember, not everyone reading tweets with the event’s #hashtag will be at the event or even necessarily in the same time zone or possibly running their search on the same day as the event. If you have some additional material you’d like to share (e.g. a recap blog), it’s ok to do so (within reason) up to three days after most events.
2. Foster Connections: Use your Twitter & other Social Media channels to build long-term relationships with the contacts you made at the event. You may want to create a Twitter list for the connections you made.
Would you like to learn more about using Twitter to grow your brand? Download our FREE Twitter ABC: The Ultimate Beginner Guide ebook.