I know... I know...
You are bombarded by the Marketing Gurus promising instant results. It all sounds good as no or little knowledge or effort required from you...
I see them everywhere, too. I am still laughing at the latest ad I just saw. This gentleman spent <aka wasted> $1,000,000 on Facebook Ads and was going to share his learnings so YOU can earn millions...
If things sound too good to be true... They probably are...
The truth is, you will not make a million dollars right away or magically gain years-worth of marketing experience overnight.
Sadly, It does not work that way.
But you CAN get access to the simple shortcuts that can SAVE you thousands of dollars and help you UNDERSTAND key concepts so you can start with a solid foundation.
👉 If you’re looking for Facebook strategies that work, you need to get advice and learn strategies from people who practice them every day.
So why should you trust me?
I got into online marketing by accident. It was early 2000 and the dial-up internet was the state of the art. I had no idea that the "shift manager" position I accepted meant managing a team of ad campaign managers and working with the Fortune 100 brands.
My team manually placed their ads on to Microsoft Content Delivery network. We literally manually added images via the ad server and then pushed a button to see it on the MSN.com websites...
It's like a "rotary phone" version of online advertising.
I had many roles in my 14-year Microsoft Advertising career - from integrating social data (yes, data from 2005 version of Facebook and Twitter) to managing Fortune 100 ad campaigns to planning a revamp of the ad servers running one billion ads per month...
Fast Forward to 2012 - My partner and I started an online agency. I knew a LOT about advertising industry and technology so it was a perfect career move....
...BUT I never ran an online business on my own, so it was a scary experience at first.
Within a year the agency was making good money, but it was still a local business mostly relying on referrals and word of mouth to find clients.
Our main focus at that time was organic social media. We did help many brands to grow from the ground up. Some of them are multimillion-dollar businesses now.
But it was frequently a rollercoaster-ride. We knew that we needed a predictable lead-generation system (both for our clients and for ourselves).
That's how we got into funnels and paid traffic.
In the last 4 years, TreDigital grew to a global online brand with the majority of revenue coming from online marketing powered by content marketing systems and paid traffic.
I was named Top 100 marketer and Top 1% marketer, my agency won many awards for the work we did. My advice was featured in many industry publications.
I am not bragging... just merely sharing a few reasons why you would listen to me...
In reality, all of that does not matter unless you learn the key shortcuts that can help YOU make huge that huge leap.
I have to admit, Facebook ads can be tough - All of the changes make it hard to keep up, even for an industry veteran like myself.
This guide is designed to help you learn some of the top shortcuts so YOU can apply them to your own campaigns.